No longer systematically travel
for incidents on remote sites

Your users are experiencing technical problems and your service desk can't come to them? When it can, it is often for minor incidents that do not require a physical visit?

Thanks to Eveirence's "Video Support" solution, it is now possible to diagnose and solve an incident remotely without having a technician physically intervene. 

Via the camera of his phone, the user only has to show and explain the problem to his Support interlocutor. This solution facilitates the diagnosis and increases the resolution at first contact.

Download the Everience Video Support product sheet and save your IT department time and money in remote incident resolution.

Everience in a few figures...

231 M€
of turnover in 2023


97% customer
loyalty rate


Everience is an IT company that accelerates the performance of companies by facilitating digital uses. A subsidiary of a French company specialized in user support, Everience is present on an international scale to meet the challenges of both large global groups and local organizations.

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