The personal assistant of your users

"What is the status of my hardware request?", "I have a request for urgent assistance, who can help me?", "I need information, who can I contact?"

These are all questions a user has when they encounter an incident with their IT hardware and need to contact support.

With HELPLINE's Chatbot as a service solution, Support now gains time and efficiency!

By processing all basic requests instantly and automatically, this virtual agent allows you to :

  • strengthen your IT department's image
  • benefit from increased satisfaction among your users
  • enhance the value of your IT department's employees

Download the Chatbot product sheet now to modernise and improve Support productivity!

Everience in a few figures...

231 M€
of turnover in 2023


97% customer
loyalty rate


Everience is an IT company that accelerates the performance of companies by facilitating digital uses. A subsidiary of a French company specialized in user support, Everience is present on an international scale to meet the challenges of both large global groups and local organizations.

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